I have a storyboard reference to a view called "previewView", it's the view in green.
I am trying to add an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer to that view. Though I only get a tiny square for the preview.
Here is the code I use to create the video preview and add it to the view.
// Initialize the video preview layer and add it as a sublayer to the viewPreview view's layer.
_videoPreviewLayer = [[AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer alloc] initWithSession:_captureSession];
[_videoPreviewLayer setVideoGravity:AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill];
[_videoPreviewLayer setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, _previewView.frame.size.width, _previewView.frame.size.height)];
[_previewView.layer addSublayer:_videoPreviewLayer];
On this line
[_videoPreviewLayer setFrame:_previewView.layer.bounds];
But it too didnt' work.
What am I doing wrong?
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