dimanche 26 juin 2016

How does one correctly pass on ofstream object?

I am writing code to have input student and grade objects, sort them, calculate an average gpa, and output them to a file. My current problem is that the output of my student objects are given after I sort them and print them, but the code does not seem to leave the loop once I do that. I have a print function in which I am passing an ofstream. From debugging, I know that the out ofstream object reads everything, but then it seems to freeze, and not output anything else into it. Can somebody tell me if I passed by reference incorrectly, or if I need to do something else? The error where the compiler didn't keep going through is marked in the code.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "Grade.h"
#include "Student.h"

using namespace std;

const double A_NUM = 4.0, B_NUM = 3.0, C_NUM = 2.0, D_NUM = 1.0, E_NUM = 0.0, B_PLUSSNUM = 3.4, C_PLUSSNUM = 2.4, D_PLUSSNUM = 1.4;
const double A_MINUSNUM = 3.7, B_MINUSNUM = 2.7, C_MINUSNUM = 1.7, D_MINUSNUM = 0.7;
const int FIRST_INDEX= 0;
const int START_NUM = 0;
const int LESS_ONE = 1, ABOVE_ONE = 1;
const int START_GRADE = 0;

void calcgrades(vector<Grade>& grades)//function that calculates gpa based on letter grades
    const string A = "A", A_MINUS = "A-", B_PLUSS = "B+", B = "B", B_MINUS = "B-", C_PLUSS = "C+", C = "C", C_MINUS = "C-", D_PLUSS = "D+", D = "D", D_MINUS = "D-", E = "E";
    int counter = START_NUM;//used to keep track of current student and current total grade
    double current_grade = START_NUM;

    for(int i = 0; i < grades.size();i++)

        //while loop to get the student's current total grade if the next student id is different than the first one.
        while(i < grades.size()-LESS_ONE && grades[i].getid() == grades[i+ABOVE_ONE].getid())
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == A)
                current_grade == A_NUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == B)
                current_grade == B_NUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == C)
                current_grade == C_NUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == D)
                current_grade == D_NUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == E)
                current_grade == E_NUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == B_PLUSS)
                current_grade == B_PLUSSNUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == C_PLUSS)
                current_grade == C_PLUSSNUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == D_PLUSS)
                current_grade == D_PLUSSNUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == A_MINUS)
                current_grade == A_MINUSNUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == B_MINUS)
                current_grade = B_MINUSNUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == C_MINUS)
                current_grade = C_MINUSNUM + current_grade;
            if (grades[i].getgrade() == D_MINUS)
                current_grade = D_MINUSNUM + current_grade;


        if (grades[i+ABOVE_ONE].getid() !=  grades[i].getid() || i == grades.size()-LESS_ONE)

            //computes the average if the currentid is not equal to the nextid
            double avggpa = current_grade/counter;

            counter = START_NUM;//resets counter for a new student to get his gpa


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    string student_file, grades_file, idnum, name, address, pnum, course, gletter;

    //creates student and grade objects from respective classes
    vector<Student> students;
    vector<Grade> grades;

    student_file = argv[1];

    //reads in information from file to import into student objects
    ifstream sfile;


    while(getline(sfile, idnum))//gets the student information from student file
        getline(sfile, name);
        getline(sfile, address);
        getline(sfile, pnum);

        //creates student objects to import info. into, and inserts into students vector
        Student s(idnum, name, address, pnum);



    //opens information from the grade file
    grades_file = argv[2];

    //reads from file to import into grades objects
    ifstream gfile;


    //gets the grade information from the grades file
    while(getline(gfile, course))
        getline(gfile, idnum);
        getline(gfile, gletter);

        //creates grade objects to import info, and inserts into grades vector
        Grade g(course, idnum, gletter, START_GRADE);


    //reads the querry file
    string query_file;
    query_file = argv[3];

    ifstream qfile;


    //reads from query file
    //creates vector to store each student number
    vector<string> query_nums;
    string incheck;

    while(getline(qfile, incheck))


    //sorts the information for the students
    sort(students.begin(), students.end());

    //sorts the information for the grades
    sort(grades.begin(), grades.end());

    ofstream outtxt;

    string out_file = argv[4];


    //outputs the student information, sorted now.
    for(int i = 0; i < students.size();i++)

        outtxt << "got through it";

    //compiler did not get past here!
outtxt << "We're here!";

    //outputs the grades with student id's, now sorted
    for (int i = 0; i < grades.size(); i++)
        outtxt << "nn" << "so gay!";

    //calculates the average gpa for every student

    for(int i = 0; i < query_nums.size(); i++)//goes through each query number to check first
        for (int j = 0; j < students.size(); j++)//after, goes through each student object
            if (query_nums[i] == students[j].getid())
                //finds the gpa in the grades class that matches the student id
                for (int k = 0; k < grades.size(); k++)
                    if (grades[k].getid() == query_nums[i])//
                        //outputs the resulting id, avg gpa, and name of matching students
                        outtxt << grades[i].getid() << "tthere is nothinghere" << grades[i].getgpa() << "t" << students[i].getname();




return 0;


student class with print function

class Student

    string idnum;
    string name;
    string address;
    string pnum;


    //defines constructor
    Student(string idnum,string name,string address,string pnum);

    //prints each student info
    void print(ofstream& out);

    string getname();

    string getid();

    bool operator < (Student s) const {
    return idnum < s.idnum;


student cpp file

#include "Student.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

//Student constructor, used to make student objects
    Student::Student(string id,string nm,string add,string pnumber)
    idnum = id;
    name = nm;
    address = add;
    pnum = pnumber;

    void Student::print(ofstream& out)
        out << name << endl << idnum << endl << pnum << endl << address << endl;

    string Student::getname()
        //returns the student name
        return name;

    string Student::getid()
        return idnum;

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