I was rewriting pretty old c++ code and stumbled about the memory management part.
More specific, Memory "needed" was first allocated in a fashion similar to
int* Buffer;
int numPoints=80000;
Buffer = (int*)VirtualAlloc(NULL, numPoints* sizeof(int), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
VirtualLock(Buffer,numPoints * sizeof(int));
However, the Buffer was only released using VirtualFree
, not VirtualUnlock
So, first question: Is VirtualFree calling VirtualUnlock?
Furthermore I read a bit about VirtualLock
. In my code, it is apparently used for increasing performance, since a lot of very large arrays are used and accessed pretty frequently, partly even to be drawn as a graph with 2 fps or so... However, I read that 1. Virtuallock can decrease system performance, in the end slowing everything down again and 2. Virtuallock isn't really increasing performance for large buffers. The latter statement was tested here with the strassen HBC ( https://software.intel.com/de-de/forums/intel-threading-building-blocks/topic/276995 ).
So, concluding I would decide against VirtualLock
, however https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/windows/desktop/aa366895(v=vs.85).aspx states that VirtualLock
is ensuring that subsequent access to the region will not incur a page fault. Does this mean, commenting out VirtualLock
will make access like *(buffer+10)=1
fail or produce a page fault (provided buffer has more than 11 allocated points)?
So second question is: can I safely discard locking memory without putting array access to danger of page faults or crashes?
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