lundi 27 juin 2016

c++ WINAPI Shared Memory array of structs

I'm trying to share an array of structs through shared named memory using the WINAPI. I'm able to create and manage the shared memory but when trying to share an array of structs the size of the array is always 0 upon reading.

Below is test code i have written which should write/read an array of 10 entries, but even this is failing. My goal is however to write/read a dynamic array of structs containing 2 dynamic arrays and the info they already contain at the moment.

I'm aware i shouldn't share pointers between processes as they could point to a random value. Therefor i'm allocating memory for the arrays using new.

This is what i have so far:

Shared in both processes:

#define MEMSIZE 90024 

typedef struct {
    int id;
    int type;
    int count;
} Entry;

Process 1:

extern HANDLE hMapObject;
extern void* vMapData;

std::vector<Entry> entries;//collection of entries

BOOL DumpEntries(TCHAR* memName) {//Returns true, writing 10 entries
    int size = min(10, entries.size());

    Entry* eArray = new Entry[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        eArray[i] =;

    ::hMapObject = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MEMSIZE, memName);
    if (::hMapObject == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    ::vMapData = MapViewOfFile(::hMapObject, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, MEMSIZE);
    if (::vMapData == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    CopyMemory(::vMapData, eArray, (size * sizeof(Entry)));
    //delete[] eArray;
    return TRUE;

Process 2:

BOOL ReadEntries(TCHAR* memName, Entry* entries) {//Returns true reading 0 entries
    HANDLE hMapFile = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, memName);
    if (hMapFile == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    Entry* tmpEntries = (Entry*)(MapViewOfFile(hMapFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 10 * sizeof(Entry)));
    if (tmpEntries == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    entries = new Entry[10];

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        entries[i] = tmpEntries[i];

    return TRUE;

Writing the 10 entries seems to be working but when trying to read the memory it returns successfully and the size of the array is 0, like so:

Entry* entries = NULL;
if (ReadEntries(TEXT("GlobalEntries"), entries)) {
        int size = _ARRAYSIZE(entries);
        out = "Succesfully read: " + to_string(size);// Is always 0

So my question is, what am I doing wrong? I'm sharing the same struct between 2 processes, i'm allocating new memory for the entries to be written to and copying the memory with a size of 10 * sizeof(Entry);. When trying to read I also try to read 10 * sizeof(Entry); bytes and cast the data to a Entry*. Is there something I'm missing? All help is welcome.

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