I've wrote my little video player, but now i have a problem: i have a basic functionality, but i can't use toolbar's actions that i've added. So, the whole question is how to use this actions as normal widgets (buttons) and how to connect them to SLOT's? P.S. I''ve added this toolbar via code, not via Designer
Here's the code:
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "videowindow.h"
#include "setofbuttons.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
videoWindow *video = new videoWindow;
const QString &paths = "D:\фото\video\P1150277.MOV";
QVideoWidget *video_wid = new QVideoWidget;
video->video_enable(video_wid, paths); // enable video
setGeometry(200, 200, 600, 800); // setting up the main window
QWidget *widg = new QWidget;
SetOfButtons *set = new SetOfButtons; // class instances
QDockWidget *bottom_panel = new QDockWidget();
QToolBar *tool = new QToolBar;
tool->addAction("File"); // there we've got some actions. TODO: appeal to actions
set->PlaceSet(widg); // set a layout of buttons into the main window
addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, bottom_panel);
bottom_panel->setFeatures(QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures); // remove borders
addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, tool);
QObject::connect(set->play, SIGNAL (clicked()), video, SLOT (handlePlay())); // connect buttons to slots. when we click, it makes some action (obviously)
QObject::connect(set->stop, SIGNAL (clicked()), video, SLOT (handleStop()));
QObject::connect(set->forward, SIGNAL (clicked()), video, SLOT(handleForward())); // 30 seconds. In future i'll make custom change of time in settings.
QObject::connect(set->backward, SIGNAL (clicked()), video, SLOT(handleBackward())); // ten seconds
delete ui;
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